Home Field Advantage
Hundreds of missionaries, citizens of “mission field” countries, are ready to go.

They already know several local languages. They are fully adjusted to local climate, cultures, customs, food, water and living conditions. Their work cannot be stopped by visa problems.
Best of all, they plant churches among unreached people where Christ is not known.
Tens of thousands of these missionaries are on the field right now, many without cash support. If people offer them food they eat; otherwise they go hungry. They need support for food, travel, literature, ministry and family expenses.
Intercede International is actively assisting more than 50 indigenous mission groups that have thousands of missionaries on the field or are ready to go–if a little support can be found, thousands more in those nations will have the Gospel brought to them.
More than 60% of unreached people groups live in countries that are closed or partially closed to missionaries from North America. Intercede is in contact with indigenous missionary ministries that are active in most of these areas. Intercede International is your link to reaching the unreached with missionaries who have the “Home Field Advantage.”