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March 2025

1          Saturday ~ Indonesia

Pray for the completion of the Oneness Fullness Witness project of a permanent church building in the Sanggau region of West Borneo island. For that, OFW needs $4,700. OFW also needs financial help for the construction of a prayer house/home church in Bantul Village. Thank you for interceding.


2          Sunday ~ Haiti

Living Word Ministries leader Patrick Lataillade is sensing the call to start a “hub” in Les Cayes to help the leaders and pastors. Please pray for this outreach. LWM will need $20,400 for a building and some supplies for seminars. Praise God that a church has donated towards land for this site.


3          Monday ~ Peru

Praise God for the work of Francisco B. with Churches of Ayacucho’s Pastoral Program for Quechuan Children. Pray for provision for the children’s ministry. COA needs $900 per month to support the program, including the cost to provide a healthy lunch for children in meetings.


4          Tuesday ~ El Salvador

New Life Ministries runs an After School Program once a week for 40 students with English as a Second Language classes using the Book of John. NLM also runs a Breakfast Club two days a week to reach out to students, offering a light breakfast for poor students who walk to the school and pass by the Sanctuary. NLM aims to provide for 40 kids to start. Pray for provision ($1,500 per month needed).


5          Wednesday ~ India

Praise the Lord that Good Samaritan India has raised enough funds to complete the ground floor of the orphanage, which includes a bore-well. Thanks to those who have given generously. Now the new orphan building facility is fully ready except for power and water supplies to the building. Kindly pray for quick approval from the government. GSI will need $4,750 to get a transformer for the building.


6          Thursday ~ Colombia

Pray for Luis Guerrero as he provides leadership to Vineyard of Colombia. Pray for good health for Luis and his wife Rita, as they celebrate 55 years of ministry with VOC. Pray for Joshua Guerrero as he also provides leadership to VOC.


7          Friday ~ Jordan

As turmoil affects Middle Eastern countries, pray for God’s peace to reign, and for God’s people to be shining witnesses for Him. The Word of God has the power to transform lives in the Middle East. Pray for Manara Outreach Ministries’ work of providing Bibles to spiritually needy people in Jordan and other Middle Eastern countries.


8          Saturday ~ Peru—Praise Report!

In the Peruvian community of Atalaya, one elder was a non-Christian healer for many years. “He accepted Jesus as his Saviour and his surrender was true,” reports Segadores missionary Antonia Yalta. “One day in the church he asked for forgiveness from the brothers saying: ‘I have accused many of you of being witches. I was dead and now God lives in my heart. When you go to my house, I will no longer cure you.’ One day he became very ill and his granddaughter prayed for him and he was healed. Now he does not miss services on Sundays.”


9          Sunday ~ Israel

In late January, Netivah leader Joel Goldberg wrote, “We watched in anticipation with many of you as several of our young women hostages returned home from captivity. Our hearts were full of joy mixed with a deep sadness for those who have not returned and those who will never return. The Messianic body also mourned the loss of Aviel, one of our young soldiers from a believing family who lost his life serving in Gaza. Please pray for our country, our leaders and the body of believers in the Land.”


10        Monday ~ China—Praise Report!

“There is one Internet addict in our centre who came from a broken and dysfunctional family,” reports China Mission’s Gospel Rehabilitation Centre. “His mother left them, and his father has not been responsible for taking care of him and his other siblings. As a consequence, three of four children from this family suffer mental health issues. The third child not only had mental issues but also was addicted to the Internet.” But he came to the Centre and began to grow in the knowledge of the Lord since then. “He used to be cold-hearted. Being apathetic and emotionally detached was the way for him to protect himself. Now he has changed a lot. He started to show compassion and feelings. Even though he had completed the program, he chose to stay in the Centre to be discipled and trained. We will start to train him as new staff.”


11        Tuesday ~ Azerbaijan

Please pray for God’s protection of Brotherhood of Azerbaijan’s missionaries, pastors and their families. Pray for increased freedom for Azerbaijani Christians to worship God without obstructions from authorities.


12        Wednesday ~ Philippines—Praise Report!

Student Missionary Outreach’s Pastor Elmer Genol and Christian Galboso zealously share the Word of God and the gift of salvation with the students of Luisa Medel National High School every week. “SMO’s presence in our school has a great impact in the lives of many students,” testifies LMNHS teacher John Mark Pueblo. “In fact, some students testify to me in tears as they hear God’s Word through the Bible Studies.”


13        Thursday ~ Kenya—Praise Report!

“Praise God that our team has been in a very remote area of Kenya showing the Jesus film and conducting home-to-home evangelization of the community called Daasanach,” reports Cornerstone Evangelistic Ministries director Timothy Kinyua. “By December 6, 89 souls were saved after watching this film. We appreciate your prayers much.”


14        Friday ~ Canada

Pray for Attawapiskat Native Ministries director Rev. Stephen Stoney as he directs this ministry to youth in Attawapiskat. Pray for the Lord’s comfort and encouragement for Stephen and his family, who have been through tragic circumstances in recent years.


15        Saturday ~ India—Praise Report!

“I am so thankful to God for wonderful friends like you who partner with us in the mission and ministry work of ICM,” writes Andrew Prakasam of India Christian Ministries. “In 2024 alone we built and dedicated 11 new churches in Sri Lanka. We have continued our support to widows, lepers, pastors’ families and hundreds of school children.”


16        Sunday ~ Cuba

Churches of the Open Bible is asking for donations toward a 2020 24-seat minibus. It is a Hyundai and will cost $30,000 (used). Please pray for provision.


17        Monday ~ Nigeria—Praise Report!

“We have finally entered Jigawa State with tremendous success—thanks to the use of the Treasure Audio Bible in Hausa,” reports the leader of Intercede’s ministry partner in Nigeria. “The Lord uses that great tool to bring people to himself. Villages entirely turn to the Lord because they listen to Audio Bibles and understand who Jesus is from the Bible rather than from their Quran. Now the fire is spreading in Muslim lands, and chiefs and witch doctors are turning to say, ‘Lord have mercy.’” Praise God for His work through His Word.


18        Tuesday ~ India—Praise Report!

“We want to say a big thank you for your regular prayers and financial support for the ministry,” writes Siloam Evangelical Fellowship director Mariamma Buraga. “We have been able to bring the message of hope, love, and salvation to countless individuals and communities. We have witnessed lives transformed, hearts healed, and spirits uplifted by the power of God’s Word. Many were benefitted through free health camps; orphan children and widows are taken care of. Pastors and Gospel workers have been supported, and several women have been provided with sewing machines. They are now able to stitch clothes and earn their livelihood.”


19        Wednesday ~ Nepal

Pray that all children cared for in Evangelical Christian Fellowship’s children’s homes will receive salvation. Pray for the need of school admission fees and uniforms.


20        Thursday ~ India

Pray for God’s continued blessing of India Christian Ministries’ work with people with leprosy, including the Lepers’ Church and the medical care program. The cost to support one couple with leprosy is approximately $70 per couple per month, and there are 32 families in one community. Thanks for your prayers.


21        Friday ~ Sierra Leone

Praise God that New Creation Ministries has been able to provide wells to Taiama Town and Makolo Villages recently. Thanks to generous supporters who helped to meet this need. Pray that NCM will be able to provide wells to more communities ($3,400 each).


22        Saturday ~ Tajikistan—Praise Report!

“During the last few years, our ministry has held several Bible Schools,” reports Churches in Tajikistan. This past year, the Bible Schools graduated more than 70 people in two cities, Dushanbe and Hujand. “The vision of our Bible Schools is to train a new generation of leaders and missionaries. The need for trained people is very high. We need more and more people to start and nurture home churches and to go to the mountains to witness to many unsaved small people groups. Thank you for your prayer and support for this project.”


23        Sunday ~ India

Pray for good health for Mariamma Buraga as she leads Siloam Evangelical Fellowship. Please pray for Siloam Board Members, Pastors, Gospel workers and staff for their good health and flourishing spiritual lives.


24        Monday ~ Bangladesh

Indigenous Mission of Bangladesh requests that we pray to the Lord so that He will break the blindness of Bengali Muslim people, Hindu, Buddhist and all tribal and unreached people groups so that they may know the Truth of God. Pray for IMB missionaries as they share their faith with these people groups.


25        Tuesday ~ Uzbekistan—Praise Report!

“Recently, Bibles in the Uzbek language have been printed in our country in a compact format, which is convenient for carrying in a bag, since the first Bibles in the Uzbek language were heavy and large in size,” reports Uzbekistan Christian Fellowship. “We express our sincere gratitude for your dedication and invaluable contribution to the spread of the Good News in Uzbekistan and throughout Central Asia.”


26        Wednesday ~ Nepal—Praise Report!

Gospel Outreach Centre sent us this testimony: “My name is Surya and I am from the Thaaru people group of western Nepal. In our community we depend on shamans for guidance to make major decisions in our lives, and shamans to treat our illnesses. For years, I had suffered from an eye condition that no shamans could cure. One day a man came preaching Jesus to our home. He spoke of worshiping the Creator rather than created things, becoming children of God, and asking for forgiveness. This man of God prayed for me and asked me if I had ever seen a doctor? The next week, he came on his motorcycle and took me to a doctor in a larger town, who referred me to a hospital in Kathmandu, Nepal’s capital city nearly 600 km away from my home—a grueling 15-hour bus journey due to rough road conditions. This pastor, a stranger just days before, kindly accompanied me on the overnight bus to Kathmandu, where I finally received treatment and began to regain my sight. I am in my 50s and it was this stranger’s kindness that opened my heart to hear more about Jesus. After months of getting to know Jesus and His followers, I am ready to be baptized and follow Him. Thank you.”


27        Thursday ~ Ethiopia

Pray for the Rhema Gospel Mission children’s ministry, as it helps meet the physical and spiritual needs of poor Ethiopian orphans and other children ($625 per month needed). Pray also for RGM’s outreach to youth.


28        Friday ~ Vietnam

Pray that Vietnamese Christians who are persecuted for their faith will persevere in their faith. Pray for God’s protection of them and their families. Pray also for God’s protection of Timothy Tran and other Vietnam For Christ missionaries, as they sometimes face persecution from authorities.


29        Saturday ~ South Sudan

Praise God that some of the youth in the care of South Sudan Mission’s Savannah Children’s Centre participate in church leadership activities, some are leaders in church choirs, and others are leaders of Sunday schools. Pray that all children and youth in the care of the Centre will become committed Christians.


30        Sunday ~ Thailand

“Continue to pray for our minister Mr. Kyaw Moe Khaing, who has been having blood dialysis for five years because of kidney failure,” requests the leader of Elios Ministries. “Both husband and wife are our fulltime ministers. Pray for their weekly expenses to be met.”


31        Monday ~ India

Pray for God’s comfort and encouragement for the families of Himalaya Crusade missionaries Pastor Timothy Rai and Pastor Rebecca Subba, both of whom passed on to glory in November. Pray also for comfort for Pastor David Rai, whose wife passed away suddenly last November after giving birth to their son.

